
About Toby

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So far Toby has created 21 blog entries.
10 07, 2019

Do the dab!

2019-07-10T03:32:32+10:00July 10th, 2019|

Flu season is in full swing, so please try to minimise contact with others if experiencing symptoms, especially younger people and the elderly, and let us know if you think you have the flu when booking in. Alcohol-based hand rubs help limit spread, as the flu can live for up [...]

30 06, 2019

Nip Allergies in the Bub

2019-06-30T11:02:37+10:00June 30th, 2019|

Did you know that Australia has the highest rate of food allergies in the world, with 1 in 10 infants having a food allergy, a rate double that of 10 years ago? A new campaign has just been launched encouraging the introduction of smooth peanut butter and well-cooked egg from [...]

2 06, 2019

Flu Vaccine in Short Supply

2019-06-02T10:31:21+10:00June 2nd, 2019|

As you probably know there’s been an unprecedented rush on flu vaccines this year (for good reason) and they’re now in scarce supply.Though over 12 million Australians have already been vaccinated, another 400,000 vaccines will be arriving in Australia in the next fortnight for those not yet covered

27 04, 2019

Flu Season 2019

2019-04-27T01:05:02+10:00April 27th, 2019|

Flu shots have arrived! So this is what we know so far: experts have predicted this may be the worst flu season ever, with over 26000 cases confirmed so far and over 4000 deaths predicted. The season has started far earlier than in previous years so we're vaccinating earlier, even [...]

24 02, 2019

Final meningococcal vaccines

2019-02-24T07:12:38+11:00February 24th, 2019|

For those not yet covered, for a limited time there are still Tasmanian government-funded meningococcal ACWY vaccines available for all Tasmanians born after 1 August 1997, though in April the vaccines will only be available for adolescents in Year 10 through the school-based programme, and as catch up for 15-19 [...]

23 02, 2019

Dr Toby Gardner in this month’s General Practice Matters

2019-02-23T06:42:44+11:00February 23rd, 2019|

Dr Toby Gardner thought about going to art school long before he considered a career in general practice. "Nowadays however, I can't imagine myself doing anything else - except wine-making,” he says. Find out more in this fortnight's General Practice Matters:

30 01, 2019

Australia Day Honours for A/Prof Don McTaggart

2019-01-30T01:18:04+11:00January 30th, 2019|

Congratulations to Tasmanian recipients of Australia Days honours, particularly local indefatigable cardiologist A/Prof Don McTaggart (AM), who set up the first ICU in the state at the North West Regional Hospital offered the first echocardiographic service in Tasmania, was the first cardiologist at the Launceston General Hospital and is still [...]

12 01, 2019

Treating people suffering the effects of extreme heat

2019-01-15T22:15:06+11:00January 12th, 2019|

As politicians argue over climate change policy, GPs continue to be at the forefront of treating people suffering the effects of extreme heat. 2018 was the third hottest year on record, and so far, we think you’d agree this Summer has been a scorcher! As well as being more subject [...]

10 01, 2019

Dr Rob Van Der Vlist hung up his stethoscope

2019-01-15T22:16:11+11:00January 10th, 2019|

After almost 35 years at Kings Meadows Medical, Dr Rob Van Der Vlist hung up his stethoscope on 14 December 2018. Rob has made such a positive impact on many thousands of people over the course of his life and will be sorely missed. Rob bid farewell to many of [...]

9 01, 2019

February will see the departure of 3 GP Registrars

2019-01-15T22:17:31+11:00January 9th, 2019|

February will see the departure of 3 GP Registrars, Dr James Tan, Dr Karinna Fyfe and Dr Boon Sie, as we welcome 5 new GP Registrars to Kings Meadows Medical: Dr Verity Foulkes-Taylor, Dr Daniel Kirk, Dr Jason Jeffery, Dr Nicole Hutchens and Dr Adam Woodbury. GP Registrars are fully [...]